Department of Counseling Psychology faculty member Assist. Prof. Thseen Nazir, with the support of YTB (Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities), shared valuable insights into the adaptation processes of international students in a program held on December 3, Tuesday.
In a seminar conducted at Taksim Bookstore as part of his research on the integration experiences of international students, Dr. Nazir discussed their experiences in Türkiye and strategies for overcoming potential challenges. The two-hour program covered topics such as motivation for learning Turkish, sociocultural and psychological adaptation, and adjustments to daily life. Students also had the opportunity to share their personal experiences.
At the conclusion of the seminar, many students noted parallels between the insights shared and their own adaptation journeys, highlighting the positive impact of these discussions on their integration processes. Enriched by interactive discussions, the seminar drew significant interest and active participation from a diverse audience of students from various countries and backgrounds.
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